Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Chicken Soup for the Teaching Soul

To me, Teacher's Day is like Chicken Soup for the teaching soul - the one time a year, that teachers don't get spit on (as often), and are actually appreciated. :) It is also that time of the year where we get to do some reflection (hey, my other colleague received more gifts than I did! Why is that so?!) of our teaching, or otherwise.

And this being my first year celebrating teacher's day as an educator is of course somewhat special too. Well, I wasn't really expecting any gifts, having been around for only 2 months, so I was pleasantly surprised to receive a few cards, and gifts of food (and I must say it gives me a nice fuzzy feeling to receive gifts that have been made by the students themselves, whether it's a simple handmade card, or cookies).

Teacher's Day also came at a time when I needed a break the most, i.e. right after the chaos of the Common Tests - though I think it can be somewhat disruptive to have it on Tuesday - if only 1 Sep was on a Monday, then we'd have a super long weekend. Not that I'm complaining. ;p

Anyhow, fantasies are just fantasies. It's back to the harsh reality once more! 2 more days to the September holidays! :)

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